Mental Health

We all have mental health. Your mental health affects how you feel, think and act. It refers to your emotional, psychological and social wellbeing. Your mental health can change on a daily basis and over time, and can be affected by a range of factors.

While rates of mental ill health do increase as children get older, early intervention is key to giving young people the best start in life.

At Dallington CEP school we recognise we have a vital role to play in supporting children’s mental health – teaching them the skills they need to recognise and deal with their emotions, and helping those with difficulties get the support they need. Children's mental health and well being is at the heart of our every day approach. The resources below are here to help you as parents and build on the work we do in school

Useful Links

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SafeSpot is an iPhone and Android app that promotes positive mental wellbeing in children and young people and has been designed to help children and young people with their coping skills

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MindEd’s advice and resources for families on supporting children’s mental health

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BBC’s wellbeing resources for families

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Young Minds: a letter about how I’m feeling: worksheet to help pupils express their feelings and understand what may have triggered them. For use with pupils in school or at home

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NHS: Mental Health Helplines for Urgent Help - NHS 24-hour advice and support for you, your child, your parent or someone you care for. Help is available to speak to a mental health professional

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NHS IAPT: free online NHS adult psychological therapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), for common problems involving stress, anxiety and depression. IAPT services can be accessed either through a self-referral by contacting your Local IAPT or via your GP

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Cruse Bereavement Care: Coronavirus, Bereavement and Grief online information, advice and support. Helpline: 0808 808 1677

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MindEd: Coronavirus Staff Resilience Hub for frontline staff

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Headspace: Headspace for Educators offers educators access to free mindfulness and meditation exercises and resources for every age group, and a free Headspace Meditation App

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Public Health England Every Mind Matters: Looking After Your Mental Health Resources aims to support everyone to feel more confident in taking action to look after their mental health and wellbeing by promoting a range of self-care actions

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Public Health England: Every Mind Matters Self-Care Tool when you complete the 5 ‘Survey’ questions, a ‘Mind Plan’ is generated, with signposting options to many useful resources

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Mindfulness – what is it and how can it support us and our children

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Go Noodle – fun videos to get you active

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Young Minds - The UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people

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MindEd is a free educational resource on children and young people’s mental health for all adults (parents, educators and other professionals)

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Winstons’ Wish - The leading childhood bereavement charity in the UK, offering practical support and guidance to bereaved children and their families and professionals

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Reading Well Scheme - Promotes the benefits of reading for health and wellbeing to young people (secondary age) but provides some useful resources and suggestions for parents